Management Training & Coaching

No success without sharpened and well maintained tools.

Tools have to be maintained and sharpened continuously to achieve world class results. What is obvious for computers, for software and for fabs is very often neglected for the most important assets, the employees. That‘s valid for managers even more than for individual contributors. Management training is the sharpening of the tools, and therefore, more important than ever before. That’s true for a management newbie and for an experienced manager just alike. I am offering you a management training adjusted to your needs.

Manager Coaching

A Manager will have a coach for a period of time, who will show him „on-the-job“ his strengths, but more important also his weaknesses. At the same time the coach will show him methods to overcome the weaknesses with the ultimate goal to make the coach redundant as soon as possible.

Coaching of Start-Up Companies

Make the best out of your excellent technical ideas. The analysis of markets and customer requirements and the professional marketing of your product are part of that just as the creation of a powerful organization is.

With my long lasting experience in building new organizations and new sites, and in managing internationally dispersed development teams I will enable your employees and your company to make best use of the existing potentials, with the goal to be the winner in the rough sea of today’s markets.